Page 9 - August 2018 Gears & Ears
P. 9

Gears and Ears

                               Journal of The Rotary Club of Lake Buena Vista
                                                       August 2018
                Rotary Recognizes Prime Minister Trudeau for Canada’s

                                      Commitment to Ending Polio

        TORONTO (June 27, 2018) — In acknowledgment of his government’s efforts to
        achieve a polio-free world, Rotary today presented Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with

        its Polio Eradication Champion Award at its 109th annual international convention.

        Canada has been a champion in the fight to

        eradicate polio since 1986, when it became the first
        government to formally fund global polio

        immunization efforts. Canada has provided over
        CAD $750 million in support of a polio-free world, including a $100 million pledge to
        global eradication in 2017. Earlier this month, Canada, as host of the G7 summit, was

        joined by G7 leaders in affirming a commitment to polio eradication.
        “Prime Minister Trudeau has committed Canada to remain a strong partner until polio
        is completely eradicated,” said Rotary International President Ian H.S. Riseley. “With

        the unwavering support of the Prime Minister and the Canadian government and their
        strong assistance with continued vaccination efforts, I’m confident we will rid the world
        of polio.”

        Later this week, Rotary will announce nearly $50.12 million in support for global

        polio eradication efforts in countries where polio is a threat. Since 1988, Rotary has
        contributed more than $2.3 billion and countless volunteer hours in the fight to end
        polio, with Rotary clubs in Canada donating more than $66.6 million towards polio

        eradication. Rotary members throughout Canada travel regularly to polio-threatened
        countries to vaccinate children in mass immunization campaigns.

        To help create awareness and support for the global effort to protect all children from
        polio, Rotary’s international convention will feature two virtual reality videos that will

        immerse viewers into the lives of those still impacted by the disease, and what it will
        take to eradicate it worldwide. Download the Rotary VR app in Google Play or the
        Apple App Store to view “I Dream of an Empty Ward.”

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