Page 3 - Gears and Ears December 2013
P. 3

President’s Comments

                                             Sonny Buoncervello

                                   Dear Club Members,

                                   November was another productive month.  Our Rotary District Conference was very
                                   successful with good attendance, great speakers, and an  excellent Business Expo. There
                                   was a definite, strong focus on business networking.

                                   I’d like to thank the entire membership for your participation and involvement in our
                                   recent  Rotary Club of Lake Buena Vista  activities and additionally thank our new
                                   members for volunteering  and getting started with committees and projects. This is what
                                   Rotary is all about.

         We had a wonderful time  at the November Fellowship hosted by Dr. Reggie Riley at the Doctor P. Phillips Hospital.
         The “hospital food” served far exceeded all expectations.  It was all very elegant and delicious. Kudos to Reggie and
         the staff for such a fantastic job.

         A special thanks and salute  to our  speakers  Herb Rodriguez for his brilliant Polio Presentation and recap on his
         continuous humanitarian efforts and Gus Campana for an authentic walk back to the Eisenhower war days.

         This is a time for giving, not only of presents, but also of ourselves in service.  It embodies the very concepts of Rotary
         and whether it is expressed in the form of Christmas,  Hanukkah,  Kwanzaa, or some other way, it is a bright and
         beautiful time for us to come together and celebrate the joy of the season. So, plan on joining  fellow club members for
         the Rotary Holiday Party. It will be held on December 8th at the home of  Anne and Ken Peach. Our holiday parties
         offer  completely unique fellowship and friendship experience that I’ve lenjoyed very much each year.

         During our holiday season, we all enjoy special time with family members and close friends, as well as with our Rotary
         family. I’m looking forward to celebrating this year’s  Holiday Season with you all.

         Yours in service,


         World Preview Center
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