Page 3 - Gears and Ears February 2014
P. 3

President’s Comments

                                             Sonny Buoncervello

                                   Dear Fellow Club Members,

                                   As we move toward the beginning of our 2014-2015 Rotary Year, I’m anticipating and
                                   excited for our incoming President, Marti, and her LBV Rotary Boards leadership.  We
                                   are positioned perfectly to have an amazing year and I personally can’t wait to see the
                                   exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

                                   This past month I am proud to report that Rotary LBV had a significant presence at
         Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI), and we have already heard from several members interested in attending the next
         RLI event on March 29th, 2014.  Don’t be left out, sign up now to participate in one of Rotary’s greatest educational

         programs which fosters Rotary knowledge and leadership skills.  RLI courses are motivating and will inspire you to
         be enthusiastic, creative and a dedicated Rotarian.

         There are always great things happening to report, but this month I have a different message.  I would like to take this
         opportunity and space to emphasize the dire need of homeless children in our community.  Over 1.6 million kids in
         America are homeless.  That is 1 out of 5 kids!  Today, 1 out of 100 homeless children in the United States resides in
         Osceola County!    Governor Pete Edwards and the 6 Rotary Clubs Of Osceola County have included us as Club 7
         in a Rotary Effort To Fight Against The Homeless In Osceola County.   Stand with me in the coming months to

         support this powerful endeavor, I will have more information to come.  Our Osceola Rotary neighbors need our help
         participating in the Osceola Rotary Hunger Project which continues to support our school system in supplying free
         breakfast & lunch to school-age children, expands after-school feeding projects (Green Bag Project), and

         coordinate with all food banks.

         Yours in service,


         World Preview Center
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