Page 3 - Gears and Ears January 2014
P. 3

President’s Comments

                                             Sonny Buoncervello

                                    Dear Fellow Club Members,

                                    Thank you for the friendships, support, and volunteerism that I’ve enjoyed through 2013.
                                    I can hardly believe that we are embarking on a new year, a year that is going to be even
                                    brighter and more exciting than 2013 was. Our Lake Buena Vista (LBV) Club embodies
                                    the Rotary spirit as I’ve rarely seen through my 17 years of  membership. There is no 80/

                                    20 rule in LBV Rotary, we are 100% membership doing 100% of the work.

         Among the many attributes that Rotary LBV embodies that attract and retains membership is our unity and

         the sense that our club is genuinely a family. I gush with pride as I hear over and over from the seemingly endless
         parade of visitors that our club is warmer, more vibrant, more engaged, and more welcoming than any club they’ve
         visited. As president and as a family member, there is nothing that could make me prouder than to hear those

         Our family unity was on display recently as Chief Richard and Jose Mota unified our club to support our Rotary sister
         by replacing her “hobbit” golf clubs with a set that could actually be used on a golf course. It was a fitting  occasion
         considering the service above self attitude that Dawn Grigsby always displays even in a year that has brought so much

         hardship to her and her family.  Dawn always is looking to help others, thank you Dawn, your story is just one of many
         amazing acts of family generosity and respect by this club.

         During the holidays it is easy to lose focus on our mission of service above self. Please keep those children and families

         in central Florida, in our international service locations of Haiti and Dominican, and around the world, in your thoughts
         and prayers as they move through this time of joy and celebration with the minimum of resources to live by. It is
         amazing that even with nothing, they smile and laugh despite their circumstances, definitely a lesson to live by.  It is an
         honor and a privilege to serve the Rotarians of Lake Buena Vista.

         Yours in service,


         World Preview Center
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