Page 4 - Gears and Ears June 2013
P. 4

Member Profile

                                                     Mel Butler

                                           Joined the club in:        2/92

                                           Education:       University of Florida -BS Journalism

                                           Marital status:      Married to Louise 28 years

                                           First job:    Tour Guide- Kennedy Space Center

                                           Most fun job:       Sales Representative- Philip Morris U.S.A.

            Career background: Drafted into U.S. Army where I learned discipline, teamwork
            and organization.

            Why did you join Rotary? Associate myself with like-minded people that share
            common values, pledge to the flag and pray to God.

            Are you a Paul Harris Fellow? yes

            What other Rotary honors have you been awarded? It’s my honor to help Phil

            Wright play golf.

            What club positions have you held in Rotary: Sergeant at Arms, Club Secretary,
            Club President

            Which committee (avenue of service) interests you? Community Service

            Current employer/ position: Retired after 30 years with PMUSA (Altria)

            Travel interests:       Almost anywhere, almost anytime

            Something we don’t know about you: As a young child my parents would take
            me for long walks in the woods and always found my way back home.
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