Page 5 - Gears and Ears March 2014
P. 5

Personal Profile

                                                   Jeffrey Smith

                                     Joined club: March 1986

                                     Education: Florida Atlantic University 1971 BBA
                                                   Stetson University 2001 MBA
                                     Marital status: Married - Debra
                                     First job: Desk Clerk/NightAuditor – Howard Johnsons
                                     Most fun job: Live Show Engineering Designer at WDW - Worked with a
                                     great team designing things with a lot of blinking lights.
                                     Career background:       1971-75: USAF Technology Specialist
                                     1975-78: Mystery Fun House, Orlando - Tech Director
     1978 – 2009: Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Technology/Engineering Manager
     2010: Ferrari World (Abu Dhabi, UAE), Project Manager
     2011 – current: Astro Tech Inc, Orlando, Project Manager, OutdoorAmusementBusiness Assoc- Consultant

                        Smithwater, LLC - Principal
     Why did you join Rotary? I have been a community volunteer since high school. When I was looking for a
     way to get involved in community events here in Orlando area after daughter was born in 1983, a friend asked
     me to check out Rotary.
     Are you a Paul Harris Fellow? Yes (multiple)
     What other Rotary honors have you been awarded? None that I can think of.
     What club positions have you held in Rotary: President : 1996-1997 and 1999-2000
                   International Service Chair – Rotary Scholarship Program
                   Vice-President      Club Service Chair     Relay for Life Chair Assistant District Governor
     Which committee (avenue of service) interests you? Vocational Service

     Current employer/ position: I am enjoying my retirement from Walt Disney World while still actively involved
     in a number of businesses here in Central Florida. As a Project Manager for Astro Tech, Inc. I remain
     involved in numerous design projects within the theme park industry. We are currently working on new
     projects for both Walt Disney World and Universal Theme Parks; we are working with special effects
     manufacturers creating maintenance manuals, and just completed designing new admission ticketing system
     hardware for a water park in Sydney, Australia.     My work with the Outdoor Amusement Business Association
     allows me to travel to many venues across the country performing quality audits that qualify carnivals for the
     trade association’s “Circle of Excellence Program”.

     I also consult with this organization on efforts to recruit veteran’s to work within the outdoor amusement
     industry. My wife (Debra) and I started Smithwater, LLC in 2013 promoting and distributing a tabletop water
     ionizer that can be used both commercially and within your home to improve the water you and your family
     drinks. This machine creates seven different types of alkalized water that is used for drinking and as a
     replacement for many different types of chemical products around the kitchen. Health benefits include
     improving the body’s ph, reducing free radicals that cause aging, and improved body hydration. “Change your
     Water, Change Your Life”     Environmentally speaking, the world cannot continue to produce and dispose of
     the number of plastic bottles that are used within the bottled water industry into the future.

                                             Profile continued on page 17
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